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Stewart Renfrew fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2894
  • Arquivo
  • [19--?]

Fonds consists of photographs of various Queen's University Archives events and staff.

Renfrew, Stewart

John Peakman fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2899
  • Arquivo
  • 2003

Fonds consists of photographs of Kingston Transit buses, both past and present.

Peakman, John

James Shore Loynes fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2900
  • Arquivo
  • [194-?]

Fonds consists of photographs of various faculty of the Faculty of Medicine lecturing to students, various buildings on the Queen's campus, and an Anatomy class in the Old Medical Building.

Loynes, James S.

Marion (Spence) Currie fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2934
  • Arquivo
  • 1923-1927

Fonds consists of scenes of her time as a student at Queen's University, and the Biological Station at St. Andrew's, New Brunswick.

Currie, Marion

Wallace Berry fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1861
  • Arquivo
  • 1898-1995

The fonds consists of photographic negatives along with some photographic prints and slides which include photographs of news events, publicity and aerial shots along with pictures of interest to Queen's University. The largest part of this fonds is made up of portraits of Kingstonians, many prominent, and Queen's University Graduates.

Berry, Wallace R.

Maxwell Henderson fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1799
  • Arquivo
  • 1923-1991

The fonds consists of correspondence, press clippings, speeches, articles, diaries, scrapbooks, reports photographs, sound recordings and a large collection of political cartoons. The material covers the period from his earliest American accountancy training in 1923 through his professional career and public career as Auditor General of Canada 1960 to 1973 to his present interests. It is in his role as watch dog and critic of government spending that Mr. Henderson is best known and the major part of the fonds is concerned with this role. Mr. Henderson's frank and articulate comments and criticisms of government expenditures and procedures aroused public interest and conflict with the government, especially that of Prime Minister Trudeau. These aspects are well represented in the fonds, along with Mr. Henderson's significant, but less visible, international accounting work.

Henderson, Andrew Maxwell

Queen's University. Students' Memorial Union fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1677
  • Arquivo
  • 1914-1966

Fonds consists of correspondence, lists, card files, photographs, photographic negatives, and clippings regarding those alumni, graduates, students, and staff who served and/or died during World War One and World War Two, and whose names were memorialized in the Union's War Memorial Room. Also included are minutes of the Student's Memorial Union Council 1922-1966; blueprints; ledger, photographs, and press clippings. The 10th Field Company Canadian Engineers series also includes material from 10th Batallion Canadian Engineers after it was formed from the 10th Field Company Canadian Engineers and detachment from the 124th Batallion (G.G.B.G.) 4th pioneers, 2nd Tunnelling Company Canadian Engineers and 14th Field Company Canadian Engineers.

Students' Memorial Union

Joseph Alexander Gray fonds

  • CA ON00239 F757
  • Arquivo
  • 1908-1962

The fonds consists of correspondence, notebooks, research papers and reprints of articles by friends and colleagues. Of particular note is correspondence with Sir Ernest Rutherford, 1908-1937. Also included are Gray's stamp collection and a ledger kept by W.M. Herchmer and John R. Forsyth for the estate of Major Alexander Forbes, army officer, Kingston, Ontario. April 1851-1852, and notes on Forbes' military career made by Professor J.D. Forbes, that was acquired and retained by Gray.

Gray, Joseph Alexander

Vosper collection

  • CA ON00239 F1893
  • Coleção
  • [ca. 1880]-[ca. 1910]

The collection consists of pictures taken by an unknown photographer, or photographers, in Kingston and the surrounding area, around the turn of the twentieth century. The photos show local landmarks such as Kingston City Hall, Kingston homes, Kingston Mills, Martello Towers and Jones Falls. Also included are photographs of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, men, horses and guns. Steam vessels such as the Rideau Queen, the Toronto and even pleasure sail boats, ice boats and quite a number of pictures of canoes and canoeists are included along with pictures taken at or near the Kingston Yacht Club. There are many pictures of as yet unidentified individuals in various poses including family scenes, picnics and fishermen. Another sizable lot of pictures were taken away from Kingston at various sites that have yet to be identified. One series were shot in what looks like a summer resort area and several others are of cities or a city yet to be identified.


Lee Family fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1210
  • Arquivo
  • 1923-1925

Photographs showing: Peter Lee and family; his Grand Gardens night club in Montreal; group picture of the memorial service for Dr. Sun Yat Sen, 12 April 1925; the first Chinese baby born in Kingston, 1923; Grand Cafe interior, 222 Princess St.; and views of Princess Street buildings in the 1920's.

Lee (family)

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