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Thousand Islands travel diary

  • CA ON00239 F3097
  • Discrete Item
  • 1883,1885

Diary of a young woman touring the Thousand Islands for the month of August 1883 starting in Hartford, Connecticut on August 1st, 1883 and ending in Montreal on September 1st, 1883. The author spends much of the diary remarking on the beauty of the scenery, the quality of the food and variations in the weather. She recounts day excursions on both American and Canadian islands and towns and mentions Clayton, Alexandria Bay, Gananoque, Brown's Bay, Hay's Island, Whitney Point, Guernsey Point, and Stave, Bluff and Skinner islands. She is traveling with the Redfield family (Mr. and Mrs. Redfield and their children George and Henry) and the "Professor". They encounter a Dr. Norris who is known to the family. When they arrive in Montreal they stay at the Windsor Hotel, which is greatly admired.

There is an additional three page entry at the end of the diary describing a trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire in September of 1885.


William Hendry Ranson diary

  • CA ON00239 F1777
  • Discrete Item
  • 1873-1928

The item is a photocopy of a diary which relates to the working and personal life of William Hendry Ranson. The diary appears to have be put to paper in 1903, but is perhaps based on, or a compilation of, other notebooks and diaries, as the detail of the material (such as specific dates and times) appears to be too precise for mere recollection. The diary has no entries for dates between 1899 and 1914. The subject matter of the diary covers Ranson's military service, his work with the Brockville and Ottawa Rail, and the distillery as well as events such as his children's birthdays, deaths of friends and family, and other holidays. Entries for Christmas day, New Year's day, and his wedding annivesary tend to include more personal information.

Ranson, William Hendry

Thomas Robinson Dupuis diary

  • CA ON00239 F3096
  • Discrete Item
  • 1881

Original manuscript diary of Dr. Thomas Robinson Dupuis' trip to Europe in the spring and summer of 1881. Of particular note are his many visits to hospitals and medical schools - witnessing curriculum, operating procedures, as well as sitting an exam for a diploma from the Royal College of Surgeons.

Dupuis, Thomas Robinson