Affichage de 3 résultats

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Inglis and Downey Architects fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1934
  • Fonds
  • 1980-1996

The fonds consists of client files, architectural drawings, and presentation material relating to the business of Inglis and Downey Architects. The records relate to projects predominantly in the Kingston area

Inglis and Downey Architects

William Newlands fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1418
  • Fonds
  • 1855-1926

The fonds consists of nearly 1200 drawings, blueprints, and specifications spanning the career of Kingston architect William Newlands, from 1882 until his death in 1926. The subject matter of most of the material is specific to Kingston and all facets of enterprise in Kingston are represented - dwellings, businesses, schools, hospitals, churches, charitable institutions and government institutions.

Newlands, William

Lily Inglis fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2139
  • Fonds
  • 1950-2002

The fonds consists of architectural drawings and accompanying project files reflecting the solo career of Lily Inglis including projects she undertook in England, Italy, Philadelphia and Kingston. The drawings consist of tracing paper originals, pencil sketches, diazotypes, acetates, sepia diazoa and black line prints of a variety of different sizes.

Inglis, Lily