Rideau Canal and St. Lawrence River album
- CA ON00239 F1681
- Discrete Item
- Aug. 1901
Photograph album with 3 watercolours of Rideau and St. Lawrence area, unidentified.
Rideau Canal and St. Lawrence River album
Photograph album with 3 watercolours of Rideau and St. Lawrence area, unidentified.
From 1843 to 1857 the capital of Canada had moved between Kingston, Montréal, Toronto and Quebec City. Seeing as agreement on a permanent capital was so contentious, the matter was deferred to the young Queen Victoria. The 2 pocketbooks contain articles about the proposed locations of the capital of Canada, reflecting the decidedly biased opinion that Kingston would be the best choice due to the City's location, security and lifestyle.
Wolfe Island - Horne Cemetery Burial List
Contains 8 typed pages of copied burial lists. Copied from Mrs. William Horne, Wolfe Island by Elizabeth S. Williams on September 7th, 1963. The Horne family acquired the ownership of the cemetery lands originally acquired by a Mr. Spinning. This property, known as the Point Alexandria Cemetery, was never transferred to the United Church. Later, Mr. Bruce Horne gave land to the United Church known as the United Church Cemetery. The whole area is known as the Horne's Cemetery and officially as Point Alexandria Cemetery. There are a total of 163 sandstone, limestone, and granite gravestones present as of 1973, the earliest dating to a Ms. Aribella Bush, who died on June 13, 1843.
Official souvenir programme "de luxe" of the Kingston Industrial Exhibition...
The item is a programme for the Kingston Industrial Exhibition, held 26-28 September, 1916.
The Celebrated Horse: Young Frontenac
Item is a broadside advertising The Celebrated Horse, the Young Frontenac, who would be willing to stand for mares at various locations in the Kingston area.
Ontario Bank Building collection
The collection consists of two bank statement books, a number of signature cards, a bank ledger for June 1907 to October 1907 tallying deposits for a number of banks in the City of Kingston, as well as a "Borrowing Book", 1893-1903, detailling the rental of dinner and glass ware to a variety of citizens and organizations in the Kingston.
Items are postcards and photographs showing mines in Timmins and Porcupine, Ontario. The collection includes images of McEnany Mine B, McIntyre Mine, Hollinger Gold Mine, Dome Mine, South Porcupine and Main St. Timmins.
Queen's University. Queen's songs.
Consists of song books for Queen's University.
This collection consists of a 'Courtesy Book' compiled by a woman, living in Toronto, with the initials Jeannie M(?). S(?).
Queen's University. Weir v. Mathieson.
Transcript of court proceedings in The Court of Error and Appeal for Upper Canada. Case involved Reverend Alexander Mathieson and others as the appellants and Reverend George Weir and others as respondents.