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Images of Timmins, Ontario

  • CA ON00239 F2465
  • Discrete Item
  • 1912

Items are postcards and photographs showing mines in Timmins and Porcupine, Ontario. The collection includes images of McEnany Mine B, McIntyre Mine, Hollinger Gold Mine, Dome Mine, South Porcupine and Main St. Timmins.


Kingston Picture collection

  • CA ON00239 F1411
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1860]-2009

The collection consists of photographs depicting buildings, street scenes, events, prominent persons, monuments, and transportation in Kingston.


Queen's Buildings photograph collection

  • CA ON00239 F2607
  • Collection
  • [1964]

Collection consists of 73 photographs of Queen's buildings. The photographs were taken ca 1964 and are individually numbered beside each image. These numbers correspond to written description about each building (written description is enclosed in folder with the photographs). The written descriptions contain information regarding date of building, architect and cost.


Vosper collection

  • CA ON00239 F1893
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1880]-[ca. 1910]

The collection consists of pictures taken by an unknown photographer, or photographers, in Kingston and the surrounding area, around the turn of the twentieth century. The photos show local landmarks such as Kingston City Hall, Kingston homes, Kingston Mills, Martello Towers and Jones Falls. Also included are photographs of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, men, horses and guns. Steam vessels such as the Rideau Queen, the Toronto and even pleasure sail boats, ice boats and quite a number of pictures of canoes and canoeists are included along with pictures taken at or near the Kingston Yacht Club. There are many pictures of as yet unidentified individuals in various poses including family scenes, picnics and fishermen. Another sizable lot of pictures were taken away from Kingston at various sites that have yet to be identified. One series were shot in what looks like a summer resort area and several others are of cities or a city yet to be identified.
