The collection is comprised of correspondence, articles, telegrams and official military documentation collected and received by Martha and George Lockyer from their son, Chris Railton Lockyer who died on active service (17 August 1917) in the Battle for ... »
The collection is comprised of correspondence, articles, telegrams and official military documentation collected and received by Martha and George Lockyer from their son, Chris Railton Lockyer who died on active service (17 August 1917) in the Battle for Hill 70, near Vimy. The collection also includes a number of letters from Alec Lockyer to his parents and siblings. This material was organized by Don Lockyer into two named volumes "Far from Home" and "Somewhere in Europe". The volumes intersperse non-contemporaneous articles and materials framing and contextualizing this material within a larger narrative. Also included are some supplemental letters, photographs and a memorial marker for C.R. Lockyer.