Tyendinaga Indian Agency fonds
- CA ON00239 F1696
- Fonds
- 1836-1960
Fonds consists of microfilmed copies of records created and/or maintained by the Tyendinaga Indian Agency. The records are comprised of two bound volumes containing records of sales of Indian lands, a bound cash book recording monies collected for the rental and sale of Indian lands, miscellaneous receipts and letters from the area's inhabitants to the Agent at Tyendinaga, annual census returns of the Native population in the Agency, ten blotter-copy letterbooks and a scrapbook. The letters are written mainly to officials of the Department of Indian Affairs in Ottawa and are concerned with administrative matters, problems arising from the rental and sale of lands, requests for supplies and money for schools and the church, and complaints of the Native population. Each letterbook contains an alphabetical subject index at the beginning. Copies of the minutes of Band Council Meetings are included in the Agent's reports. The scrapbook contains typed historical information on the Native population and pictures and clippings of local activities and accomplishments.
Department of Indian Affairs fonds, Archives of Ontario