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Livingston family collection
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Completed [Mortgage Documents]

File contains 76 mortgage documents from Elizabethtown in Leeds County. This group of documents was labelled as completed, but it is unknown what work was completed with them. The Names involved with the mortgages in this file are as follows: Abbott, J; Bacon, J; Barnard, A; Baxter, A; Blythe, J; Breakenridge, J; Buell, J; Carron, J; Coleman, R; Connor, S; Dickinson, F; Donaldson, A; Field, W; Ford, D; Glazier, H; Graham, R; Hamilton, R; Harrison, H; Horton, W; Jones, D; Kincaid, J; Leahy, G; Lewis, W; McCullough, W; McVagh, C; Moore, J; Morrison, W; O'Bryan, J; Parish, S; Parr, R; Robertson, R; Robinson, J; Robinson, W; Row, R; Shepherd, H; Sherwood, T; Smith, T; Stewart, A; Tackaberry, R.

Completed [Mortgage Documents]

File contains 81 mortgage documents from Elizabethtown in Leeds County. This group of documents was labelled as completed, but it is unknown what work was completed with them. The Names involved with the mortgages in this file are as follows: Bank of Upper Canada ; Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada; Abbott, J; Acheson, P; Austin, J; Austin, R; Austin, T; Bailie, H; Baker, H; Barnes, H; Barwick, H; Beach, J; Beecher, I; Billings, I; Bolton, C; Bolton, G; Booth, N; Booth, T; Brodhead, E; Buell, J; Bullis, C; Burns, E; Burns, J; Burns, S; Carron, J; Cassels, R; Clow, J; Cole, P; Coleman, N; Coleman, R; Crawford, G; Crawford, J; Daniels, W; Davidson, J; Davis, J; Deacon, J; Donaldson, A; Easton, G; Elliott, W; Fitzsimmons, R; Foxton, W; Fulford, L; Fulford, S; Gardiner, G; Gilhooly, J; Graham, R; Green, T; Hamilton, A; Harrison, E; Herron, R; Howison, G; Howland, P; Jobling, E; Jones, M; Judson, J; Kincaid, J; King, S; Lafayette, J; Lalonde, N; Lee, H; Manhard, C; Matthie, W; McConkey, S; McConkey, W; McCullough, W; McDonald, H; McDonald, J; Mclean, G; McNish, W; Meecher, W; Millar, A; Moore, J; Mott, D; Munsell, I; Nash, S; Nichol, D; Olds, B; Olds, J; Olds, S; Paterson, P; Pettem, J; Robertson, D; Robinson, J; Rofs, J; Ronaldson, W; Ronson, W; Row, A; Row, C; Row, D; Rowley, N; Ryan, J; Senkler, W; Smith, H; Snider, W; Steacy, J; Stewart, A; Street, T; Sturgeon, J; Taylor, G; Thomas, E; Walsh, G; Webster, E; Weston, J; Wilkinson, M; Wilson, A; Wilson, J; Wilton, C; Wood, T; Young, H.

[Mortgage Documents]

File contains 159 mortgage documents from Elizabethtown in Leeds County. Of note, George Malloch and John Romanes both have documents pre printed with their information. John Romanes is also in England lending in Canada with Canadian Funds. The Names involved with the mortgages in this file are as follows: Bank of Montreal; District of Johnstown Building Society; Lyn Manufacturing Company; Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada; Abbott, J; Acheson, P; Arnold, G; Atkinson, J; Bagg, E; Baker, J; Barr, A; Bates, E; Bates, J; Beach, S; Bell, T; Billings, I; Blanchard, E; Booth, D; Booth, E; Booth, J; Booth, T; Borden, W; Brown, B; Brownbridge, W; Bullis, O; Bullis, P; Caldwell, J; Cameron, L; Campbell, A; Carney, T; Carron, J; Caswell, J; Cawon, J; Chafer, F; Chase, E; Church, J; Clark, N; Clark, R; Clow, H; Colborn, B; Cole, L; Coleman, J; Coleman, R; Cook, W; Cracker, D; Crawford, G; Crawford, J; Cummings, J; Cummings, N; Curtis, E; Curtis, H; Dales, T; Darling, W; Dayton, O; Ducolon, D; Ducolon, S; Dunn, E; Earl, R; Ellerbeck, W; Eyre, H; Farrar, W; Ferguson, G; Finlay, J; Fletcher, A; Flint, S; Ford, D; Forth, J; Forth, W; Fulford, H; Galbraith, R; Gallagher, A; Gillerlain, N; Gillerlain, W; Gilmour, W; Goff, J; Gould, R; Graham, R; Hakney, J; Hall, J; Hamlin, A; Hanna, W; Harrington, J; Harrison, E; Harrison, G; Haskin, S; Hemenway, S; Henderson, J; Henderson, S; Himmarsh, J; Horton, A; Horton, N; Hubbell, E; Hutchinson, D; Jessup, J; Jones, A; Jones, C; Jones, D; Jones, H; Judson, J; Judson, R; Kelly, C; Kersten, E; Kincaid, J; King, S; Latham, W; Leavitt, G; Leavitt, J; Lee, G; Lee, P; Lewis, W; Malloch, G; Manhard, G; Manhard, H; Manhard, P; Manuel, W; Marron, R; Marshall, I; Marshall, T; Masterson, W; McCartney, J; McCrea, H; McDougall, A; McDougall, M; McLean, A; McLean, G; McLean, H; McLean, W; McNish, A; McNish, H; McNish, J; McVagh, J; Menter, D; Merron, R; Molt, H; Moore, F; Morris, J; Muldoon, N; Murphy, H; Murphy, J; Murray, J; Nolan, J; Olds, D; Parish, S; Parr, A; Pearson, J; Pearson, W; Peden, R; Perry, E; Pomeroy, G; Pomeroy, P; Powell, J; Proud, J; Purvis, P; Rath, H; Rath, J; Reilly, P; Reynolds, S; Reynolds, T; Richards, W; Robertson, D; Romanes, G; Romanes, J; Row, C; Row, H; Row, J; Row, R; Rowley, W; Rowsome, R; Schofield, F; Sherwood, A; Sherwood, C; Sherwood, D; Sherwood, G; Sherwood, H; Sherwood, T; Shipman, I; Simpson, D; Simpson, G; Smart, D; Smith, J; Steele, R; Stewart, A; Stone, L; Stotts, N; Tousley, C; Walker, J; Walkley, W; Warren, R; Watrous, L; Webster, T; Williams, W; Wilson, A; Wilson, C; Wilson, J; Wilson, W; Wright, R; Wright, S.

[Chattel Mortgage Documents]

File contains 23 mortgage documents from Leeds and Grenville Counties. The Names involved with the mortgages in this file are as follows: Alford, G; Anderson, W; Arnold, G; Bates, E; Beach, A; Botsford, W; Cady, H; Cannon, J; Caswell, J; Chambers, A; Covell, A; Crawford, J; Derbyshire, D; Finnigan, L; Flint, S; Ford, D; Gould, R; Grant, C; Harrison, E; Kelly, M; Kincaid, J; Knowlton, J; Leavitt, J; maley, T; McCullough, G; McDonald, J; McGonigle, C; McGuire, T; McKee, M; McParland, J; Merrick, T; Moses, W; Murphy, H; Newcomb, D; Stone, V; Storey, J; Stotts, N; Teed, A; Teed, H; Webster, T; White, D; Williams, W; Wilson, W; Wing, G.

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