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Registo de autoridade

Ball, William Servos

  • CA QUA02288
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1825-1897

William Servos Ball was one of 12 students admitted at the second session of Queen's College, in October 1842 (the first session had opened in March of the same year). The university was unable to honour him publicly due to a clause in the Royal Charter that stipulated that the Senate should only have degree-giving powers when a Principal and four professors were employed in the College. In 1845 only three individuals made up the entire faculty. The formal conferring of degrees began in 1847.

Canadian Inventory of Historic Technology

  • CA QUA02292
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • 1979

The Canadian Inventory of Historic Technology was a project run out of Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario) in 1979.

Connell, Walter Thomas

  • CA QUA02296
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1873-1964

Queen's Medical graduate, 1894. Professor, head of Medical department, pathology pioneer, Queen's University.

Diesel, Rudolf

  • CA QUA02301
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1858-1913

German engineer, born in Paris, studied at the Munich Polytechnic. Set about constructing a "rational heat motor," demonstrating the first compression engine in 1897, after solving the problem of feul injection into the cylinder head against enormous pressures by devising a special pump. He spent most of his life at his factory at Augsburg until he vanished from an English channel steamer in September 1913.

Domino Theatre

  • CA QUA02303
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Fisher, Elspeth MacGregor

  • CA QUA02305
  • Pessoa singular
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

5th Field Company Engineers

  • CA QUA02310
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • n.d.

The Fifth Field Company Canadian Engineers was a Queen's University company that spent the years preceeding the war becoming a well-qualified military unit. By 1914, total enrolment in the Fifth was 160 men. The activities of the Company included not only rifle and infantry drill, but also signals training and bridge and fortification construction. With the start of World War One the training of the Fifth during the previous four years permitted a quick response to the national emergency. The first need created by the war, a camp for Canadian soldiers who were to be sent overseas, demanded a very real response from Queen’s.
The Fifth Field Company was given the task of turning previously unimproved ground at Valcartier, Quebec, into a camp capable of mobilizing 30,000 men. Only ten days after the initial inquiry, mobilization orders were telegraphed to all members of the Company and the majority of the men left Kingston for Valcartier on August 18, 1914. In all 170 Queen’s men worked at Valcartier on a variety of jobs that included road repair, surveys for tent sites, and installation of a water supply system.

Library and Archives of Canada

  • CA QUA02314
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • n.d.

This material was created by the Central Superintendency of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. The Central (Toronto) Superintendency was established 1 July 1845 and the date of dissolution was 24 July 1882. The Central (Toronto) Superintendency was composed of the Bay of Quinte (Deseronto or Tyendinaga), Georgina and Snake Islands, Scugog, Rama, Saugeen, Christian Island, Alnwick, Cape Croker, Rice Lake and Mud Lake Reserves. The Superintendency was responsible for the following groups: Chippewas of Christian Island (1845-1882); Chippewas of Georgina Island (1845-1882); Chippewas of Nawash (1845-1882); Chippewas of Rama (1845-1882); Chippewas of Saugeen (1845-1882); Chippewas of Snake Island (1845-1882); Mississaugas of Alnwick (1845-1882); Mississaugas of Mud Lake (1845-1882) Mississaugas of Rice Lake (1845-1882); Mississaugas of Scugog (1845-1882); Mississaugas of the Credit (1845-?); and Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (1845-1882).

The Broadcast Trust

  • CA QUA02316
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • n.d.

Founded in the mid-1970's in Kingston, Ontario, and established as a registered Canadian charity since 1979, The Broadcast Trust seeks to have Christian education carried out among members of the community. This objective is accomplished by publishing statements from Christian Literature in newspapers for those who may have lost contact with their church. The Trust has been continuously active since the mid-1970's. The original three trustees were the late Rev. Canon John Ames Coombes, Dr.Donald M. Schurman, and the late Dr. John S. Ellis. These three individuals were joined soon after by Dr. Ross S. Kilpatrick. More recently, the Rector of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral in Kingston, was invited to nominate two further trustees. There is now too, a "Friends of the The Broadcast Trust", whose members support this Ministry of the Christian Word through the secular press, prayer, and financial donations.

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