Affichage de 12517 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Moir, Robert Young

  • CA QUA02569
  • Personne
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Beardsley, Ralph Robert

  • CA QUA02575
  • Personne
  • 1927-

Ralph Robert Beardsley, an engineer, was born in 1927. He obtained his Engineering degree from Queen's University.

Durante, Walter

  • CA QUA02582
  • Personne
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

North Frontenac Community Services Corporation

  • CA QUA02585
  • Collectivité
  • n.d.

Northern Frontenac Community Services (NFCS) is a community agency delivering adult and children's services to the residents of North, Central, and parts of South Frontenac Townships.They are a charitable, non-profit organization. Funders include the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, the Ministry of Community and Social Services/ Children and Youth Services, the United Way, and the City of Kingston/ County of Frontenac.

Chester (family)

  • CA QUA02589
  • Famille
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Anderson, James Thomas Milton

  • CA QUA02591
  • Personne
  • 1878-1946

James Thomas Milton Anderson, educator, author, premier of Saskatchewan (b at Fairbank, Ont 23 July 1878; d at Saskatoon 29 Dec 1946). After teaching in the Yorkton district, Anderson was appointed inspector of schools in 1911 and director of education among new Canadians in 1918 - the year he published The Education of the New Canadian. In 1924 he became leader of the Conservative Party and in 1925 was elected MLA for Saskatoon City.
Following the defeat of J.G. Gardiner's ministry on 6 Sept 1929, Anderson formed the Co-operative government, a coalition of Conservatives, Progressives and Independents. The controversy surrounding the 1930-31 amendments to the School Act obscured his administration's legislative record. Two years after his government's crushing defeat in 1934, Anderson retired from politics and managed an insurance company before being appointed acting superintendent of the School for the Deaf, Saskatoon, in 1944.

Bowman, Louise Morey

  • CA QUA02592
  • Personne
  • 1882-1944

Louise Morey Bowman was born on January 17, 1882 in Sherbrooke, Quebec. After private schooling and travel in Europe, Bowman married and settled in Toronto. Her first book of poems, Moonlight and Common Day, did not appear until 1922. Her second volume, Dream Tapestries (1924) was awarded Quebec's Prix David. Two years later, Bowman moved with her husband to Montreal. In 1937, Bowman served as president of the Montreal Branch of the Canadian Authors Association. Her final collection, Characters in Cadence, was published in 1938. L.M. Bowman died in September of 1944 in Montreal.

Brown, C.D.

  • CA QUA02594
  • Personne
  • 1904-

C.D. Brown, M.L.S., was an author who wrote a number of articles for "The Canadian Surveyor".

Camsell, Charles

  • CA QUA02597
  • Personne
  • 1876-1958

Charles Camsell (February 8, 1876 – 1958) was a Canadian geologist and Commissioner of the Northwest Territories from December 3, 1936 to December 3, 1946. Born in 1876 in Fort Liard, Northwest Territories, he was the son of a Hudson's Bay Company employee. In 1894, he earned a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Manitoba. Following graduation, he returned to the north where he and his brother set out to stake a claim in the Yukon. It was at this time that he developed an interest in geology and exploration and proceeded to study geology and mineralogy at Queen's University. He also did mineral exploration for several companies and took graduate degree courses at two other universities.
Camsell had a long and outstanding career with the Public Service of Canada commencing in 1904. In 1920, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Mines and, in 1936, Deputy Minister of Mines and Resources. He retired from the Public Service of Canada in 1946 at the age of 70 and published his autobriography in 1954.

Gibbon, John Murray

  • CA QUA02611
  • Personne
  • 1875-1952

John Murray Gibbon was born April 12th, 1875 in Ceylon and educated at Aberdeen, Oxford and Göttingen universities. Gibbon emigrated to Canada in 1913 to work for the Canadian Pacific Railway. In 1921, he became founding president of the Canadian Authors Association.
Gibbon organized a series of folk and crafts festivals over the years. With Sir Ernest MacMillan, he published the four-volume French Canadian Folk Songs (1928). Histories he wrote included Scots in Canada (1911), Steel of Empire: The Romantic History of the Canadian Pacific (1935), Canadian Mosaic (1938) and two histories of nursing. He also wrote several novels. Gibbon's work was to have a major impact on the creation of a bilingual, multicultural, national culture. "Canadian Mosaic" influenced the adoption of the concept of a "cultural mosaic" in the Canadian government's multiculturalism policies. He died at Montreal on July 2nd, 1952.

Résultats 6341 à 6350 sur 12517