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Authority record- CA QUA01642
- Corporate body
- 1963-
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) was created out of a merger of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers in 1963. The American Institution of Electrical Engineers was formed in New York on May 13, 1884. Its Canadian section was authorized on Sept. 30, 1903. This institute was established to support the advancement of knowledge about the electrical industry and as such drew both technical men and entrepreneurs into its membership.
The Institute of Radio Engineers was founded in 1912. It was established for the advancement of radio and electronics, including allied branches of engineering and related arts and sciences, their application to human needs, and the maintenance of a high professional standing among its members. By the time these organizations merged there were some one hundred and twenty-two separate technical bodies, many with overlapping responsibilities,as well as professional groups and the like, between the two organizations.
Illegible. Department of Militia and Defence
- CA QUA07886
- Corporate body
- n.d.
No information available on this creator.
- CA QUA02181
- Person
- n.d.
Hartwell W.B. Illsey was born in Castor Alberta, but was raised in Montreal, following his family's removal to that city. He attended school in St. Lambert, and at Westmount High School, and Montreal High School, from where he graduated in 1935. For the next four years, he worked for The Steel Compnay of Canada and Dominion Rubber Company Limited. In 1939, he moved to Hull, Quebec, where he was employed with the E.B. Eddy Paper Company. During the pre-war years Hartwell Illsey served in the N.P.A.M. with the 3rd Field Royal Canadian Engineers. In June 1941, he enlisted with the Royal Canadian Air Force, at Ottawa. After receiving his pilot's wings at Moncton in April 1942, he married Elizabeth Mitchell in Montreal the same month. They have three children. H.W.B. Illsey served as Staff Pilot in the Bombing and Gunnery School, located in Jarvis, Ontario. In 1944, he went overseas, flying at Advanced Flying and Operational Training Units in England. In 1945, he returned to Canada. H.W.B. Illsey felt the call to the Christian Ministry during his flying service and upon receiving his discharge, he enrolled at Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario. He graduated with his B.A. in 1949, and from Queen's Theological College two years later, when he was ordained into the United Church of Canada. Padre Illsey has served in many parts of Western Canada (Empress, Brooks, Calgary, Alberta; and Esquimalt and Victoria, Birtish Columbia), and undertook Chaplaincy duties at a number of RCAF Stations across Canada. Hartwell W.B. Illsey, who also held a B.D. degree from St. Mary's Theological College in Scotland, and an Masters of Divinity from Queen's University at Kingston (1965), died in 2002.
- CA QUA11459
- Corporate body
- 1842-2003
The Illustrated London News appeared first on Saturday 14 May 1842, as the world's first illustrated weekly news magazine.[1] Founded by Herbert Ingram, it appeared weekly until 1971, then less frequently thereafter, and ceased publication in 2003. The company continues today as Illustrated London News Ltd, a publishing, content, and digital agency in London, which holds the publication and business archives of the magazine.
- CA QUA09886
- Corporate body
- fl. 1910s
No information is available about this creator.