- CA QUA11465
- Corporate body
- 2007-
MASS LBP was founded in 2007 by Peter MacLeod and George Gosbee. The goal of the company was to look at methods for extending and reinventing public consultation processes, connecting the cause of civic engagement to the broader democratic agenda. A key tenant driving the work being the belief that democratic innovation is essential to the vitality of a society. MASS seeks to help governmental and public sector groups engage with the public through a variety of methods, predominantly Citizens' Assemblies, Citizens' Reference Panels and Civic Lotteries. MASS has conducted reference panels, citizens assemblies and commissions for government involving more than 1000 Canadians, and reaching 250,000 households. In addition, they provide a range of services to public sector organizations including strategic planning and communications, custom research, facilitation and hosting, as well as event coordination and logistics. They routinely conduct wide-ranging environmental scans, prepare case studies and provocation papers, interview experts and stakeholders, commission essays from thought-leaders and host workshops to review findings or carry a discussion forward.
In the mid 2010s MASS was involved in Wagemark™ , which was established to create parameters for a responsible wage ratio within a business. They administered this consumer brand and certification process that was used by organizations to demonstrate their commitment to responsible business.
MASS LBP is non-partisan and does not undertake lobbying work.