Affichage de 12521 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Maitland, John

  • CA QUA01436
  • Personne
  • 1807-1865

John Maitland was born at Kirkcudbright, Scotland ion July 3, 1807. In 1841 he was commissioned a surgeon in the 8th Foot Regiment, and in 1843, as a surgeon major in the Royal Canadian Rifles, at which time he likely came to Canada. During his stay in Canada, Maitland invested heavily in bank stocks and mortgages. He also acquired property and large tracts of land in the Sherbrooke, Ottawa, Port Credit, Toronto, Chatham, Niagara, Peterborough and Orillia areas.

Maitland eventually proceeded to Anglesea, Gosport, England in late 1858 where he died, January 23, 1865. The heirs to his estate were his wife Madeline, sons James Sampson and Ernest, and daughter Margaret.

Sanders, William Robert

  • CA QUA01438
  • Personne
  • 18-?-1850

William Robert Sanders of Deer Park, Charleville, County Cork, Ireland came to Canada and was articled as clerk to Thomas Kirkpatrick in 1832. Kirkpatrick had been a former neighbour and family friend in Ireland. Sanders remained in Kingston until 1842, investing in several properties in Kingston , and in the steamboat, William IV. When Sanders returned to Ireland, he appointed James Burrowes, another clerk in Kirkpatrick's firm, to mangage his property in Canada. Sanders died in Ireland in August of 1850. He left no immediate family.

Shiels, John

  • CA QUA01439
  • Personne
  • 1835?-

The son of William and Elizabeth (Montgomery) Shiels, John Shiels was born in Prescott, Canada, April 29, 1835, and until he was about fourteen years of age he received educational advantages provided by private schools in the vicinity of his home. It was about this time, 1849, that the home of the family was transferred to Maitland, Ontario, and there he worked on a farm for about a year and half. During this time he decided to learn the tinsmith's trade, and for that purpose went to Kingston and apprenticed himself under a reliable instructor. Having completed his apprenticeship he worked at his trade independently at Kingston for about nine years. Shiels operated a store at 32 King Street from 1862 to1873, and lived at the same address. While in Kingaton John Shiels married Emily Woods, and five children were born to them. In 1873 there is notice of a Bankrupt Stock Sale by tender under the Insolvency Act of 1869. After the failure of his business Shiels appears to have worked around town as a tinsmith up until 1883 when he leaves for Riverside, California.
Shiels' identification with the city of Riverside began on March 1, 1883, where, with limited capital, he established the nucleus of the business which was carried on under his name for over a quarter of a century. His shop was first located on Main street near Ninth, his attention then being confined almost exclusively to the tinsmith's trade, but gradually he added plumbing to his original business. Since 1891 business has been located at Tenth and Market streets. From 1888 until the death of John Shiels, October 25, 1911, the business was carried on under the name of John Shiels & Sons, but the firm name is now Shiels Brothers. Emily Woods Shiels passed away June 16, 1904.

Sproul, Robert

  • CA QUA01441
  • Personne
  • 1808-1860

Robert Sproul (1808-1860) emigrated to Upper Canada from County Fermanagh, Ireland; his wife Sarah, from County Down. Prior to her marriage to Sproul, Sarah was married to Edward Savage, innkeeper at Kingston. Sproul and his family resided in the village of Clark Mills, now called Camden East, from the early 1840's until 1858. His occupation at this time is documented as farmer and innkeeper. In 1857 or 1858 he moved to Kingston where he leased properties for business and residential purposes on Princess Street near Clergy. Most notable of these were Storrington House and Addinton House, both likely used as hotels. Sproul died on August 21, 1860 and was buried at Clark Mills. He was survived by his wife and seven children

Voigt, Herbert Charles

  • CA QUA01444
  • Personne
  • n.d.

From approximately 1864 to 1874, Herbert Charles Voight handled cases of Bankruptcy as the Official Assignee under the Insolvent Act of 1864 of the Province of Canada, and then under the federal Insolvent Act of 1869 . Voight was an accountant and was appointed according to the Act, by the Kingston Board of Trade.

Yarish, Darwin M.

  • CA QUA01458
  • Personne
  • fl. 1990s

Darwin M. Yarish is an editor and collector. His works include "The Man who was AE : memories and recollections of George William Russell."

Young, Charles John

  • CA QUA01459
  • Personne
  • 1848-1936

Rev. Charles John Young was an Anglican clergyman who was also a naturalist with a specialty in ornithology. Young grew up in Britain and was educated at Cambridge. After his father's death in 1881, he decided to move to Canada with his wife and four children. Upon his arrival in 1883, he was a teacher in Classics at Perth Collegiate Institute. But he decided to pursue a new career in the Anglican Church into which he was ordained in 1886. In addition to his work with the Ontario Diocese, he also actively pursued his interest as a naturalist. He had a number of papers published by the Ottawa Field Naturalist and the Auk, and made reports to the Meteorological Office in Toronto 1904-1914. He also contributed to the field of ornithology by providing material to the book "Catalogue of Canadian Mines" edited by John and James Macoun and produced by the Canada Department of Mines in 1909. Over one hundred of Rev C.J Young's observations were credited in this book. Rev Young died on May 10, 1936 in Landsdowne Ontario.

Young, George Holmes

  • CA QUA01460
  • Personne
  • 1853-1935

Soldier, Winnipeg, Man.

Baird, William C.

  • CA QUA01461
  • Personne
  • n.d.

Photographer, Kingston, Ont.

Hazelgrove, Allan Ronald Derrett

  • CA QUA01470
  • Personne
  • 1912-1978

Allan Ronald Hazelgrove, a Chemical Engineer and librarian at Du Pont, amateur photographer and a bibliographer in Kingston, Ontario, was born 5 May 1912. He obtained his B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering at Queen's University in 1939. He worked for Defence Industries Ltd. in Nobel, Ontario from 1940 to 1944 as a Laboratory Supervisor and development team member developing military explosives. He was transferred to C.I.L's Central Research Laboratory in McMasterville, Quebec in 1944, where he remained until the division of the company into C.I.L. and Du Pont of Canada. In 1954, he was selected to assist in the detail design of the Du Pont's Kingston Research Centre, where he then became Services Group Leader. By 1962, he would devote the majority of his time to the operations of the Research Centre Library.

Hazelgrove also concerned himself with elements of Kingston area history, writing: "(i)n 1960 it occurred to me that a great number of irreplaceable stone buildings were being wrecked or burned or allowed to go to ruin. I decided that there should be a record in the form of at least one picture of each building, whether it had any great architectural significance or not." Hazelgrove also served as a member of

Résultats 351 à 360 sur 12521