- CA QUA02615
- Personne
- 1919-2006
John Webster Grant was born at Truro, Nova Scotia on June 27th, 1919. He attended Dalhousie, Princeton and Oxford universities (Rhodes scholar 1941), graduated in theology from Pine Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax, and served as a wartime chaplain in the RCN. He taught church history at Union College, Vancouver, 1949-59, except for one year as a visiting professor in India. In 1959 he joined Ryerson Press and a year later became its editor in chief. From 1963 until retirement in 1984 he was professor of church history at Emmanuel College, Toronto.
Besides numerous scholarly articles, he has written more than a dozen books on church history, particularly Canadian. He has been active in several academic and religious organizations, including the United Church's commission on union with the Anglicans, where he was chairman of the executive committee 1967-71. He was the recipient of several honorary degrees and numerous other awards. He passed away in 2006.