Deseronto Mechanics' Institute
- CA QUA01227
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- n.d.
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Deseronto Mechanics' Institute
No information available on this creator.
Staff Paymaster of the Admiralty, Portsmouth, England, acting as Secretary to Vice Admiral H. Fairfax, C.B., Earl of Clanwilliam.
In 1953, Valerie and Gordon Robertson founded a group interested in drama and bringing live theatre to Kingston. At first the group was known as the Domino Players, then as the Domino Theatre of Kingston, and finally as Domino Theatre Incorporated. The first play produced by the group was In Camera, presented at a local movie theatre between films. In 1963 they obtained a warehouse and converted it into a theatre before formally opening in 1965. By that date the group had produced fifty-three offerings including seven Shakespearean plays and six childrens' presentations. In June of 1964 they had their first adult summer theatre school. They have won many awards in both the Eastern Ontario Drama Festival, and the Dominion Drama Festival. In addition, a number of their members have become professional actors and actresses or established other companies elsewhere.
William Heriot Watson (1899-1987), physicist, was born in Scotland and educated at Edinburgh and Cambridge. In 1931, he came to Canada as Assistant Professor of Physics at McGill University 1931-1944, then Professor of Mathematics and Department Head, University of Saskatchewan 1944-1946. From 1946 to 1951 he was Research Physicist and Head of Theoretical Physics, National Research Council Atomic Energy Division. At the University of Toronto he was head of the Physics Department 1950-1961 and Director Computation Centre 1952-1962. Dr. Watson then served as Senior Consulting Scientist at Lockheed Missles, Palo Alto, California 1962-1969. He retired to British Columbia. In his early years at Cambridge Dr Watson became friendly with Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), a friendship and correspondence that endured for many years. Dr. Watson had many publications on physics, radar, and computers and two major works, On Understanding Physics (1938) and Understanding Physics Today (1963).
Kingston restaurant owner and Peter Lee and family active in Chinese Canadian community. Lee family was 1st Chinese family in Kingston to have child born in Canada.
Samuel Walters Dyde was born in Ottawa, 1862, and was educated at Ottawa Collegiate Institute and Queen's University, where he received a B.A. and gold medal in classics (1883), an M.A. and gold medal in philosophy (1884), and D.Sc. (1887). He was a professor of mental and moral philosophy at the University of New Brunswick, 1886-1889 and a professor of mental philosophy and lecturer in German classical literature at Queen's University, 1889-1912. He was Principal of Queen's Theological College from 1918 to 1926. He resigned the Principalship in 1926 and retired in 1934. His publications include a translation of Hegal's Philosophy of Right (1896) and a translation, with an introduction, of The Theaetetus of Plato (1899). He died in 1947.
Charles Avery Dunning was born in Croft, Leichestershire, England in 1885 and emigrated to Canada in 1902 where he worked as a farm hand near Yorkton, Saskatchewan. He became active in the Saskatchewan Grain Growers' Association and was appointed a Royal Commissioner by the Province of Saskatchewan in 1913 to investigate the question of agricultural credit and grain marketing in Europe. In 1916 he was elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature for the riding of Kinistino holding various positions including Provincial Treasurer (1916) and Minister of Agriculture (1918). In 1922, at the age of thirty-eight, he became the Premier of Saskatchewan and remained Premier until 1926. Appointed federal Minister of Railways and Canals by Prime Minister Mackenzie King in 1926, Dunning was subsequently elected to the House of Commons by acclamation for the riding of Regina. In 1928 Dunning was a Canadian delegate to the League of Nations and in 1929 he was appointed Minister of Finance, a position he held until the defeat of the Liberal Government in 1930. When the Liberals came to power again in 1935, Dunning resumed the position of Minister of Finance. In 1940 he was elected Chancellor of Queen's University where he remained until his death in 1958.
Politician, Premier of Saskatchewan, 1944-1961, and federal leader, New Democratic Party, 1961-1975.