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Authority record

Queen's University. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  • CA QUA02046
  • Corporate body
  • 1928-

The Queen's University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology traces its history to the founding of the Faculty of Medicine in 1855, when J.P. Litchfield was appointed Professor of Midwifery and Forensic and State Medicine. When Queen's officials discovered to their shock that Litchfield was not qualified to teach midwifery - indeed, he had never even attended a birth - they removed him from his post.

He was replaced in 1861 by Michael Lavell, who held the post of Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Obstetrics and Gynaecology were taught in conjunction with Children's Medicine until well into this century. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology was established as a separate unit in 1928.

Today, the department is centred in Kingston General Hospital, where practising faculty provide care for patients, conduct research, and teach. Major changes over the years include the expansion of pre-natal care and the development of a birthing centre in the hospital.

Queen's University. Department of Microbiology and Immunology

  • CA QUA11453
  • Corporate body
  • 1895-2014

This department in the Faculty of Health Sciences was founded in 1895, when Dr. Walter Connell became Queen's first head of Pathology and Bacteriology. In 1919, Bacteriology and Pathology became separate departments, with Dr. Guilford Reed becoming the first head of Bacteriology. In the late 1960s, the department was renamed Microbiology and Immunology. Teaching and research in the department originally focused on infectious diseases and bacteriology, and during the Second World War some members of the department worked on top-secret research in biological warfare for the Canadian government.
The department was closely associated with the provincial Public Health Laboratory in Kingston since the latter was founded in 1907 with Dr. Connell as regional bacteriologist and pathologist.
In 2014, the programs of Microbiology and Immunology became part of the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences.

Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications

  • CA QUA01831
  • Corporate body
  • n.d.

Located in Fleming Hall, the Department of Marketing and Communications has a mandate of supporting the University in building and enhancing the image and reputation, in support of the latter's vision. The Department assumes responsibility for the overall stewardship for the Queen's "brand", develops targeted marketing communications for campus stakeholders, develops strategic relations with the media to serve the advancement of the University, and acts as the main source of internal University communications. It is responsible for publishing the "Queen's Gazette" (established January 20 1969) and "Queen's Today".

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