- CA QUA01684
- Famille
- n.d.
No much is known about the creator of the fond other than the fact that Hilda Reesor was the granddaughter of Daniel Fowler, an early Canadian painter, who farmed and lived on Amherst Island, Ontario.
No much is known about the creator of the fond other than the fact that Hilda Reesor was the granddaughter of Daniel Fowler, an early Canadian painter, who farmed and lived on Amherst Island, Ontario.
Professor in Political Studies Queen's University, Kingston, Ont.
Joseph Lacey Willis, the secretary of the Reconstruction Party, was born in London, England in 1903. He was a student at Queen's University but upon his marriage to Helen Marie Perry of London, Ontario, he moved to London where he graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1930, with a degree in English and History. He was a Grand Master in the Masonic Lodge, a public school teacher and principal for a span of forty-six years, broken only by service during World War II. He commanded the First Signals Squadron of London, Ontario and came to Kingston to be chief instructor at the Signals School at Vimy Barracks until 1944. He and his wife were deeply involved in the attempt to launch the Reconstruction Party into a new national political alternative. He remained interested in politics, despite the disappointing fall of the Reconstruction Party, until his death in 1979.
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Queen's University, Kingston, ON.
Head of Department of History, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont.
Kingston Child Care Resource Centre
No information available on this creator.
Archibald William Currie was born February 22, 1908, the son of Archibald and Minnie (Mosure) Currie. He attended Queen's from 1925 to 1930 and received both the degrees of Bachelor of Arts (1929) and Bachelor 0f Commerce (1930). He graduated with a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard in 1938 and received the Doctor of Commercial Science degree one year later from Harvard.
In 1931 he was appointed Director of Extension at Queen's, a position he held until 1938. From 1938 to 1945 he lectured in the Department of Commerce and Department of Economics at the University of British Columbia and in 1946 was appointed to the University of Toronto as a Professor in the Department of Economics, where he stayed until 1969. In 1963 he was appointed advisor to the Ministry of Transport in Nigeria and was a Senior Advisor to the Government of Fiji from 1970-1971.
He married Madeline McNeely and they had two children. Professor Currie died at Parkhill, Ontario, in 1989.